Ez történt - Január 23. -án
... (UPO) (Vilna, Lithuania)
Also known as the FPO (Fareynikte Partisaner Organisatsye) was founded in Vilna. It was the first organization which united the left-wing Zionists, the revisionists, the Bund and the communists. Its leaders included Isaac Wittenberg (communist), Abba Kovner (HaShomer HaTzair) and Joseph Glazman (revisionist). They were later joined by Abraham Chovni...
Ez történt - Április 30.-án
... dögkeselyűi... Politikai, nem pedig emberi igazságot kell velük szemben érvényesíteni", mondja Napóleon az Államtanács előtt.

1925 April 30, PARIS (France)
The Revisionist Party (Brit Ha-Tzionim Ha-Revisionistim) was founded by Zev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky adhered to the Herzlian concept that Zionism is basically an ideological movement. He dem...
Ez történt - Június 22.-én
... ARLOSOROFF (Eretz Israel)
A Zionist leader within the Zionist labor party, he was murdered on a beach outside Tel Aviv. The Labor leaders tried to pin the blame on Abba Ahimeir of the Revisionist Party and specifically on Abraham Stavsky and Zvi Rosenblatt. At the trial they were all acquitted but the government refused to reveal the details of what really happened. Ironica...
Ez történt - Augusztus 16.-án
... MENACHEM BEGIN (Russia-Eretz Israel)
Commander of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, (National Military Organization) statesman and prime minister. He emerged as one of the leaders of the Revisionist Movement between the wars and commanded Betar (Brit Trumpeldor). In 1939 he escaped from Vilna and was arrested by the Russians and sentenced to eight years in a labor camp. He was released...
Ez történt - Szeptember 12.-én

Was founded in Vienna by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. For many years there was tension between the World Zionist Organization and the Revisionist Party. Some of it was the result of tactical differences, including the expansion of the Jewish Agency to include non-Zionists. In addition, there was still strong resentment and politi...
Ez történt - Október 5.-én
... VLADIMIR JABOTINSKY (Odessa,Ukraine-Eretz Israel)
Founder of the New Zionist Organization (1935), the Haganah (1920), the Jewish Legion (1917), Betar (Brit Trumpeldor) (1923), Revisionist Party (1925), and the Irgun (1937). Until he joined the World Zionist Organization, Jabotinsky was considered by Tolstoy and Pushkin to be one of Russia's most promising writers. He was so...
Ez történt - November 1. -én
... called Swit. It soon developed into the ZZW (Zydowski Zwiazek Wojskowy) led by Appelbaum to fight the Germans and received their first weapons. The ZZW was mostly comprised of Zionist revisionists and Betarim - followers of Ze'ev Jabotinsky. The ZZW played a vital role in the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well as in the forests as partisans.

Ez történt - Január 1.-én
Was founded as an assembly of the nations fighting Germany, Italy and Japan - the Axis powers. Twenty-six nations were among the original signatories. In the fall of that year, the Revisionist (New Zionist) Organization of America called on the United Nations to apply the "Four Freedoms" as delineated by President Roosevelt a year earlier to the Jewish people as well and to ...
Ez történt - Január 23.-án
... (UPO) (Vilna, Lithuania)
Also known as the FPO (Fareynikte Partisaner Organisatsye) was founded in Vilna. It was the first organization which united the left-wing Zionists, the revisionists, the Bund and the communists. Its leaders included Isaac Wittenberg (communist), Abba Kovner (HaShomer HaTzair) and Joseph Glazman (revisionist). They were later joined by Abraham Chovnik...
Ez történt - Április 30.-án
... emberiség dögkeselyűi... Politikai, nem pedig emberi igazságot kell velük szemben érvényesíteni", mondja Napóleon az Államtanács előtt.

1925 April 30, PARIS (France)
The Revisionist Party (Brit Ha-Tzionim Ha-Revisionistim) was founded by Zev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky adhered to the Herzlian concept that Zionism is basically an ideological movement. He dema...
Ez történt - Június 3.-án
A war cartoonist, he was also famous for his traditional and modern Jewish and secular characters using a technique of miniaturization. He became associated with Jabotinsky's Revisionists and the Irgun underground organization.

1936. június 3. Kozma Miklós, a Gömbös-kormány belügyminisztere - kihasználva a kormányfő betegszabadságát - társadalmi rende...
Ez történt - Június 22.-én
... ARLOSOROFF (Eretz Israel)
A Zionist leader within the Zionist labor party, he was murdered on a beach outside Tel Aviv. The Labor leaders tried to pin the blame on Abba Ahimeir of the Revisionist Party and specifically on Abraham Stavsky and Zvi Rosenblatt. At the trial they were all acquitted but the government refused to reveal the details of what really happened. Ironica...
Ez történt - Augusztus 16.-án
... MENACHEM BEGIN (Russia-Eretz Israel)
Commander of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, (National Military Organization) statesman and prime minister. He emerged as one of the leaders of the Revisionist Movement between the wars and commanded Betar (Brit Trumpeldor). In 1939 he escaped from Vilna and was arrested by the Russians and sentenced to eight years in a labor camp. He was released ...
Ez történt - Augusztus 25.-én
... 350 refugees signaled the beginning of organized efforts to save European Jewry. Although illegal immigration had been taking place since 1920, only now were major efforts begun. The Revisionist Zionist movement and Betar succeeded in the next two years to send out several ships, which saved thousands of lives. By 1938 illegal immigration had become an official part of the Zionist...
Ez történt - Szeptember 12.-én

Was founded in Vienna by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. For many years there was tension between the World Zionist Organization and the Revisionist Party. Some of it was the result of tactical differences, including the expansion of the Jewish Agency to include non-Zionists. In addition, there was still strong resentment and politic...
Ez történt - Október 5.-én
... VLADIMIR JABOTINSKY (Odessa,Ukraine-Eretz Israel)
Founder of the New Zionist Organization (1935), the Haganah (1920), the Jewish Legion (1917), Betar (Brit Trumpeldor) (1923), Revisionist Party (1925), and the Irgun (1937). Until he joined the World Zionist Organization, Jabotinsky was considered by Tolstoy and Pushkin to be one of Russia's most promising writers. He was soo...
Ez történt - November 1. -én
... called Swit. It soon developed into the ZZW (Zydowski Zwiazek Wojskowy) led by Appelbaum to fight the Germans and received their first weapons. The ZZW was mostly comprised of Zionist revisionists and Betarim - followers of Ze'ev Jabotinsky. The ZZW played a vital role in the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well as in the forests as partisans.

1940: British mine Bay of Bisca...
Ez történt - Január 1.-én
Was founded as an assembly of the nations fighting Germany, Italy and Japan - the Axis powers. Twenty-six nations were among the original signatories. In the fall of that year, the Revisionist (New Zionist) Organization of America called on the United Nations to apply the "Four Freedoms" as delineated by President Roosevelt a year earlier to the Jewish people as well and to ...
Ez történt - Január 23.-án
... (UPO) (Vilna, Lithuania)
Also known as the FPO (Fareynikte Partisaner Organisatsye) was founded in Vilna. It was the first organization which united the left-wing Zionists, the revisionists, the Bund and the communists. Its leaders included Isaac Wittenberg (communist), Abba Kovner (HaShomer HaTzair) and Joseph Glazman (revisionist). They were later joined by Abraham Chovnik...
Ez történt - Április 30.-án
... emberiség dögkeselyűi... Politikai, nem pedig emberi igazságot kell velük szemben érvényesíteni", mondja Napóleon az Államtanács előtt.

1925 April 30, PARIS (France)
The Revisionist Party (Brit Ha-Tzionim Ha-Revisionistim) was founded by Zev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky adhered to the Herzlian concept that Zionism is basically an ideological movement. He dema...
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Címkék: Fareynikte Partisaner Organisatsye, Isaac Wittenberg, Abba Kovner, HaShomer HaTzair, Joseph Glazman, Abraham Chovni, Revisionist Party, Brit Ha-Tzionim Ha-Revisionistim, Eretz Israel, Abba Ahimeir, Abraham Stavsky, MENACHEM BEGIN, Russia-Eretz Israel, Irgun Zvai Leumi, National Military Organization, Revisionist Movement, Brit Trumpeldor, ZIONIST ORGANIZATION, World Zionist Organization, Jewish Agency, VLADIMIR JABOTINSKY, Ukraine-Eretz Israel, Zionist Organization, Jewish Legion, Zydowski Zwiazek Wojskowy, United Nations, Four Freedoms, President Roosevelt, Abraham Chovnik, Kozma Miklós, European Jewry, Revisionist Zionist, beach outside, labor camp, vital role, year earlier, kormányfő betegszabadságát, belügyminisztere, betegszabadságát, miniaturization, revisionistim, érvényesíteni, organization, revisionists, organisatsye, specifically, immigration, dögkeselyűi, államtanács, revisionist, signatories, underground, differences, ideological, traditional, kihasználva, jabotinsky, communists, arlosoroff,
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